Array VTN-HUNGARY - Legyen vtn kivtelező partnerünk


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Present Order

You also have occurred in that birthday, name day, Christmas or other occasion did not know what to be celebrated, because everything is already there or perhaps did not you think? You do not know what the best glad? Only a few hours and you have the ceremony there was no time to run through gifts to the stores?

The VTN-HUNGARY purchase order solution to the problem, however, is extremely cost-effective, because only nettó. into place, but the purchase order value of net purchase value of the net 40.000 Ft 40.000 Ft
The gift saved HUF 5.000, while the enriched celebrated a great gift.

The voucher is transferable from Monday to Friday, 8-16 hours post delivery department workshop or sent to the customer. In urgent cases, the courier service can solve that freight cost of the order with the courier price to be paid in cash in the distance.

Our colleagues are working to keep the same terms as the SODEXO gift certificates will also be able to change, which means that if professional workshop to visit the car's body - car glass ink or VTN demand service, ordered or purchased the products we sell high, then we thereby you can probably pay for the construction. Recent information that the issuer of gift vouchers for redemption charge a handling fee, a percentage amount (10%), while foiling the cost increase, but I think the good news for you, however, that now also proven VTN-HUNGARY SODEXO present order, which the ever-expanding services and increasing knowledge of our offer, greatly enhances the redemption lehetősségeit the present order of similar customers.


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